[ec2] Network packet loss after trying to upgrade to 9.04

Alessandro Alinone alessandro.alinone at lightstreamer.com
Fri May 15 11:24:02 BST 2009


I tried to reproduce the issue below but I couldn't.

I followed the same procedure but this time I'm not having any network
degradation. I guess it was an Amazon temporary problem, which
randomly appeared on that EC2 instance only.

In any case, any news on the availability date of the official Jaunty AMI?



On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 4:26 PM, Alessandro Alinone
<alessandro.alinone at lightstreamer.com> wrote:
> I apologize in advance for my silly question, but I'm a newbie.
> I launched an EC2 instance with the Official Ubuntu Release 8.10 Intrepid
> (Europe, 32 bit server): ami-80c0e8f4.
> Then I logged in and upgraded to Ubuntu 9.04 through this command:
> sudo do-release-upgrade
> I accepted all the default options. I rebooted the instance and the
> upgrade seemed fine. But then I started seeing the SSH terminal slower
> and slower. I launched a train of ping from different locations in the
> world and noticed high rates of packet loss (around 50%).
> I launched a second EC2 instance with the same Official Ubuntu Release,
> but without upgrading it. The SSH terminal was fast and the ping tests
> showed no packet loss. I had the two ping windows side to side,
> showing quite different behaviors.
> Any idea of how to explain this?
> By the way, the average round-trip time was the same in both cases;
> only the packet-loss rate is quite different.
> When will the official 9.04 AMI be available?
> Thanks
> -Alessandro

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