[ec2] error when moving Home folder to persistent EBS

Rodney T. Quillo imcocoy at gmail.com
Wed May 13 09:43:23 BST 2009

Hi Pedro,

> Issue #1 : sudo: cannot get working directory (after ln)
You are at /home/ubuntu directory when you did the mv command. Try cd to  root 
directory or /mnt then execute: 

sudo mv /home/ubuntu /persistent/home/ubuntu


On Wednesday 13 May 2009 16:22:14 Pedro Sanchez Pernia wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to move some folders from the instance to persistent storage, to
> easily recover and backup.
> I'm following some tips found in this
> post<http://www.sunsetlakesoftware.com/2008/09/13/running-drupal-website-am
>azon-ec2>: *"Anything placed in the /persistent directory will survive
> sudden termination of the running instance, so you'll want to place log
> files, databases, the files that define your site architecture, and
> anything else you don't want to lose in that directory. The first step is
> to move users' home directories. You can do this either by moving specific
> users' directories or by moving the /home directory to /persistent, then
> using the ln -s command to symbolically link the new location to its old
> place on the file system."*
> I'm using the last ubuntu official ec2 AMI (with"ubuntu" as user) and I try
> to :
> sudo mkdir /persistent/home
> sudo mv /home/ubuntu /persistent/home/ubuntu
> sudo ln -s /persistent/home/ubuntu /home/ubuntu
> Issue #1 : sudo: cannot get working directory (after ln)
> Issue #2 : because home/ubuntu and all the grant files has been moved, if I
> loose the connection, I can no more SSH the server and I have to launch a
> new instance ...
> I'm just feeling it could be a security issue of the AMI config or simply
> my poor experience in shell command...
> Any help appreciated, thanks,
> Pedro Sánchez Pernia
> Madrid - Spain

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