[ec2-beta] Ubuntu EU AMI

Eric Hammond ehammond at thinksome.com
Tue Mar 31 23:21:41 BST 2009


What AMI id are you running?

I was able to run ami-5e173f2a (32-bit Intrepid beta2) in eu-west-1 and
ssh to it successfully.

Note that the ssh keypairs used in the EU region are different from the
ssh keypairs used in US region.  You can't log in to systems in
different regions using the same ssh key.

Also remember that the official beta2 images need you to ssh as
"ubuntu@" and not "root@".

Eric Hammond
ehammond at thinksome.com

Alon Girmonsky wrote:
> Hi.
> I've been trying to launch and connected to Ubuntu AMI is Europe.
> I am unable to ssh into this AMI. I succeed in the US region however,
> authentication failed in EU.
> I launched,
> tried to SSH using normal ssh and authentication scheme which normal
> works for me.
> I got authentication failure.
> Any ideas?
> Best,
> Alon.

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