[ec2-beta] Private vs. Public Instances

Eric Hammond ehammond at thinksome.com
Sun Mar 8 11:04:08 GMT 2009


The official Ubuntu beta2 AMIs are public and anybody can run them even
if they are not signed up for the beta program.

I've still been sending folks to the beta program so that they get on
the mailing list to receive information about new beta releases.

As far as documentation goes, I believe the following is the current extent:


Once the images are released it would probably be a good idea to
advertise them on Amazon's official AMI section:


However, I can say from personal experience that it is a pain to keep
updating these documents manually with the latest information every time
a new AMI is released.

Eric Hammond
ehammond at thinksome.com

Micah Walter wrote:
> HI Everyone,
> I have noticed that on the AWS Console, if I filter my AMI's to  
> private, I see the two Canonical instances from Dec 15, 2008  
> available. If I however simply search for all Canonical AMIs I see  
> these same two and two other public AMIs from 2/26/2009. I was  
> assuming that the two new ones are the Beta2 that was just released  
> and the two old ones are from when I originally signed up, but was  
> curious why these new ones weren't listed as Private.
> Also, is there a Wiki or something somewhere that lists the  
> configurations for each of these AMIs? Should there be?
> Kind Regards,
> Micah Walter

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