[ec2] Official Jaunty AMI?

Soren Hansen soren at ubuntu.com
Wed Jun 24 11:09:39 BST 2009

On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 10:27:29AM +1000, Steve Dalton wrote:
> I know this has been asked before - but the last post was a few weeks back.
> Any updates on when the official Jaunty AMI will be available? I don't see
> any mention of it anywhere apart from this list.

Let me first assure you that it has not been forgotten. We're working
hard on making this happen. We currently build daily images
automatically (we do not, however, upload them all to EC2) which was a
major goal for the release. We're performing some testing and going
through bugs as we speak.  I don't want to give an estimate that is not
going to hold, so I'm just going to say Real Soon Now[tm]. :)

Soren Hansen                 | 
Lead Virtualisation Engineer | Ubuntu Server Team
Canonical Ltd.               | http://www.ubuntu.com/
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