[ec2-beta] Fwd: [Fwd: Announcing the AWS Management Console]]

Eric Hammond ehammond at thinksome.com
Fri Jan 9 22:20:45 GMT 2009


The external button push bundling in the AWS console and the EC2 Firefox 
extension are only for instances running Windows images provided by Amazon.

The RightScale interface has button push bundling for Linux images built 
with RightScale software hooks.

Other Linux images need to be bundled using the EC2 AMI command line 
tools (ec2-bundle-vol, ec2-upload-bundle) run on the instance itself.

The official Ubuntu beta AMIs do not currently have these installed, but 
you can download and install them yourself.  (Ask if you need help.)

Eric Hammond
ehammond at thinksome.com

Thomas Tracy wrote:
> Speaking of....
> Has anyone tried to bundle a non-Windows instance using this console? 
> The "help" tab says you can bundle a Windows instance, so I was 
> wondering if this is a typo?
> Thomas
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *Robbie Williamson* <robbie at canonical.com 
> <mailto:robbie at canonical.com>>
> Date: Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 12:42 PM
> Subject: [ec2-beta] [Fwd: Announcing the AWS Management Console]]
> To: ec2-beta at lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:ec2-beta at lists.ubuntu.com>
> FYI below. Amazon just announced their AWS management console, which 
> should make
> it a LOT easier to setup and use EC2 instances.
> -Robbie
> ----- Forwarded Message ----
> Dear AWS Developer,
> We're excited to announce the initial beta release of our AWS Management
> Console, a web-based, point-and-click, graphical user interface that
> makes it even easier to access and manage AWS Infrastructure Web
> Services. The initial release provides an online interface for Amazon
> EC2, with additional AWS services scheduled to be added in the coming
> months. The console presents an intuitive, global picture of your cloud
> computing environment so that you can control your AWS resources without
> programming directly to an API.
> You do not need to write any code or install any software if you access
> Amazon EC2 via the AWS Management Console. You simply log in to the
> console after signing up for Amazon EC2 and immediately begin managing
> your resources through the point-and-click interface. Within minutes,
> you will be able to configure your application environment and begin
> launching and managing Amazon EC2 instances, mounting Amazon Elastic
> Block Store volumes, and listing your Amazon Machine Images (AMIs).
> Access to the AWS Management Console is provided free of charge at
> https://console.aws.amazon.com
> We invite you to have a look, start using it to manage your
> applications, and tell us what you think. Feedback links are located at
> the bottom of each page, and we wholeheartedly welcome your suggestions,
> requests, and comments.
> Sincerely,
> The Amazon Web Services Team
> --
> Robbie Williamson                                   robbie at ubuntu.com 
> <mailto:robbie at ubuntu.com>
> Ubuntu Foundations Team Manager             robbiew[irc.freenode.net 
> <http://irc.freenode.net>]
> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam
> "You can't be lucky all the time, but you can be smart everyday"
>  -Mos Def
> "Arrogance is thinking you are better than everyone else, while
> Confidence is knowing no one else is better than you." -Me ;)
> --
> Robbie Williamson                                   robbie at ubuntu.com 
> <mailto:robbie at ubuntu.com>
> Ubuntu Foundations Team Manager             robbiew[irc.freenode.net 
> <http://irc.freenode.net>]
> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam
> "You can't be lucky all the time, but you can be smart everyday"
>  -Mos Def
> "Arrogance is thinking you are better than everyone else, while
> Confidence is knowing no one else is better than you." -Me ;)
> --
> Robbie Williamson                                   robbie at ubuntu.com 
> <mailto:robbie at ubuntu.com>
> Ubuntu Foundations Team Manager             robbiew[irc.freenode.net 
> <http://irc.freenode.net>]
> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam
> "You can't be lucky all the time, but you can be smart everyday"
>  -Mos Def
> "Arrogance is thinking you are better than everyone else, while
> Confidence is knowing no one else is better than you." -Me ;)
> --
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