[ec2-beta] motd: "apt-get update" before "tasksel --section server"

John Hampton john at cleanoffer.com
Thu Apr 2 00:08:39 BST 2009

I think when it comes to these images "less is more". We really just need a
rock solid image and kernel that boots fast w/ networking, we'll take care
of customizing from there. If there really is a need to make a "loaded"
image, maybe you should have two images. One that is bare bones and the
other that is loaded up for people who would like a fuller install.

On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 3:59 PM, Eric Hammond <ehammond at thinksome.com> wrote:

> Chuck Short wrote:
> > Since its based on the ec2 mirrors there is no noticable difference
> > to the bootup speed when running an apt-get update when the
> > ec2-set-apt-sources list script is ran.
> I just ran three tests using the official Ubuntu Intrepid beta2, and
> "apt-get update" took 23-25 seconds to run against the EC2 Ubuntu
> mirror.  Is that not directly added to the initialization time of a new
> instance?
> The Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy server images I publish on http://alestic.com
> consistently take 40 seconds in total from calling ec2-run-instances to
> getting an ssh prompt on the box or having the user-data script run.
> That includes loading the AMIs (pending stage), booting the image,
> getting network, and completing initialization.
> I've taken pains to do things like skipping the standard code which
> attempts to adjust the CMOS clock (not possible on EC2), saving 4
> seconds on boot.
> We're not just talking about casual, manual use for EC2 instances.  We
> also need to support systems which are firing up a number of instances
> to perform automated processes.  Yes, some users will customize AMIs and
> can make their own adjustments, but the more we make it easy for the
> base AMI to be usable for real world applications, the better.
> Again, I think it's a tough call whether or not apt-get update is
> automatically run and I don't know what the right answer is for the
> official images.  I just think we should clearly understand the trade
> offs and costs, and I'm pretty sure startup cost is one of them.
> I think it gives Ubuntu some bragging rights to have some of the fastest
> starting images on EC2.
> --
> Eric Hammond
> ehammond at thinksome.com
> --
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John O. Hampton, Jr., CTO
CleanOffer, Inc.
101 California Street
Suite 2450 #612
San Francisco, CA  94111

Homepage: http://www.cleanoffer.com
Blog: http://blog.cleanoffer.com

(415) 240-4532 (office)
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