[ubuntu-ec] Jono tiene un sueño...

andy kirby ecokirby en gmail.com
Vie Feb 13 14:19:36 GMT 2009

Hola Todos,
Tal vez funcionará con Community Walk (http://www.communitywalk.com/) Este
mapa se integra a cualquier sitio web facilmente y pueden añadir cualquier
cantidad de información. Yo lo utilizo en nuestra página web (
http://www.yanapuma.org/en/Map.php) por ejemplo.

Maybe Community Walk (http://www.communitywalk.com/) would work for this. It
can be integrated into a website easily and you can add all kinds of info. I
am using it on our website (http://www.yanapuma.org/en/Map.php) for example.

Saludos a todos,

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 7:30 PM, Pedro Franco <pmfranco en fybsistemas.ec>wrote:

> ...a dream in which we can show an accurate map with every LoCo Team in
> the world displayed on it.
> Some time ago Melissa worked on a map that showed which countries in
> the
> world had a LoCo Team. As an example, if you looked at Europe, Germany
> was filled in to indicate that region has a LoCo Team. The map was a
> stunning indication of the spread of LoCo Teams around the world.
> This is my dream:
>    * We have a map that anyone can visit that identifies which
>      countries have teams and shades the entire country/state/region to
>      indicate the team.
>    * We can also show which cities have teams with a pin pushed in that
>      city.
>    * You can hover over a country/state/city and a little box will pop
>      up to indicate the details for that team.
> Now, Google Maps can do most of this: it can allow people to enter push
> pins into a map and have a little box that pops up to indicate details
> about that location. This would be great for the city teams, but as far
> as I am aware it is not possible to shade an entire region or country
> to
> indicate coverage of a team.
> So, does anyone know of a way in which we could achieve all of the
> above
> bits of the dream, and has anyone done any work on this?
>     Jono
> --
> Jono Bacon
> Ubuntu Community Manager
> Jono invta a que hagamos un mapa donde se muestre mundialmente cada
> comunidad local de ubuntu linux, a mas de arborizar el Pais, mostrando
> las comunidades locales que conforman esa comunidad en el Pais.
> Su idea se resume en lo siguiente:
> -Que cualquier visitante, que ingrese al mapa, encuentre que paises
> tienen una comunidad local.
> -Mostremos que ciudades de ese Pais, tiene comunidades, identificandilas
> por medio de un pin.
> -Cuando te posiciones sobre ese pin, se muestre en una caja de dailogo,
> los datos pertinentes de esa comunidad.
> Bien, la idea esta, quienes se apuntan a ayudar para que este sueño de
> la comunidad ubuntera internacional, se haga realidad (referencia
> personal).
> Saludos Ubunteros
> Pedro Franco
> --
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