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All,<br><br>Here is my suggestion for which videos and in which order they should go onto a demo DVD OSI that is available for download by everyone. I would make the vidoes for I know everyone is all about 9.04 and the soon-to-be 9.10, however these are not LTS versions and since the LTS is more stable (and the core is the same really), that should be the version we do these videos on for this DVD.<br><br>If there's some great feature in 9.04/9/10 that there MUST be a video on, then any video for a non-LTS version can go onto a seperate addendum DVD. Once a new LTS version is released, if those features in the addendum videos haven't been updated in some major way, then the videos can be added to the LTS DVD. I think by doing it this way, the LTS DVD will only be updated when a new LTS version comes out, and since some of the videos may already exist for the new LTS DVD on the addendum DVD, then there won't be a need to re-do those videos.<br><br>Now the one caveat / flaw to all of this is if GNOME 3.0 comes out and the GUI is completely changed...Then, yes, there isn't any way around re-doing every single video for that new LTS version, but one video we may still want to include would be a video about GNOME 2x itself - just in case people don't want to upgrade to that version or if they want to downgrade from 3x to 2x, etc.<br><br>I think these videos are good thing. I like their format, what they show, etc. I'd also like to see some videos made for the DVD that do things normal, non-technical end-users do like edit photos, print and save text documents (OpenOffice), email (Evolution) - as well as how to setup those programs.<br><br>Most people don't care about "How it works" or the technical side of things like us techie types do, and I DO think the videos are great as they are, we need technical videos, etc, BUT we also need some layman videos to try and entice people into using GNU/Linux. Very recently, a well-known GN/Linux organization that fights for the Free Software ideals, has started attacking Microsoft/Windows 7, and I think that is the wrong approach. Telling people how Windows sucks or otherwise being negative doesn't work well, if at all. We need to show people, in a positive light, how GNU/Linux works, why it works, why it can will for them.<br><br>Anyway.. enough said by me for now. Here is the list of vidoes and their links. I know some new videos have come out since these and they should be included as well.<br><br><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=unicode">
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Introduction to Linux<br>Introduction to Ubuntu<br>Why Ubuntu<br>Getting Help<br><br>Downloading and Burning an Ubuntu ISO<br>Installing Ubuntu Part 1<br>Installing Ubuntu Part 2<br>Installing Ubuntu with Windows Dual-Boot<br><br>Tour of the Ubuntu Desktop<br>Tour of the Places and System Menus<br>Tour of the Ubuntu Applications<br>Installing Applications<br>Updating and Upgrading<br>Installing Updates on Ubuntu<br>Installing Flash on Ubuntu i386<br><br>SAMBA Filesharing<br>Files and Folders<br>Connecting to Printers<br>Printing in Ubuntu<br><br>Customising Ubuntu Desktop<br>Users and Fast User Switcher<br><br>Introduction to Evolution<br>Skype on Ubuntu Linux<br>Watching Video<br><br><br>THE LINKS<br><br>Introduction to Linux<br>http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/20070902_linux_theora_400k_vorbis_1280x720.ogg<br><br>Introduction to Ubuntu<br>http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/20070901_ubuntu_theora_400k_vorbis_1280x720.ogg<br><br>Why Ubuntu<br>http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/20070904_why_ubuntu_theora_400k_vorbis_1280x720.ogg<br><br>Getting Help<br>http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/20070905_getting_help_theora_400k_vorbis_1280x720.ogg<br><br>Downloading and Burning an Ubuntu ISO<br>http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/20061204_downloading_burning_iso.ogg<br><br>Installing Ubuntu Part 1<br>http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/20070909_installing_ubuntu_part_1_theora_400k_vorbis_1280x720.ogg<br><br>Installing Ubuntu Part 2<br>http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/20070910_installing_ubuntu_part_2_theora_400k_vorbis_1280x720.ogg<br><br>Installing Ubuntu with Windows Dual-Boot<br>http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/20061204_installing_dual_boot.ogg<br><br>Tour of the Ubuntu Desktop<br>http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/20070906_tour_desktop_theora_400k_vorbis_1280x720.ogg<br><br>Tour of the Places and System Menus<br>http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/20070908_places_and_system_theora_400k_vorbis_1280x720.ogg<br><br>Tour of the Ubuntu Applications<br>http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/20070907_tour_applications_theora_400k_vorbis_1280x720.ogg<br><br>Installing Applications<br>http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/20070912_installing_applications_theora_400k_vorbis_1280x720.ogg<br><br>Updating and Upgrading<br>http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/20070911_updating_and_upgrading_theora_400k_vorbis_1280x720.ogg<br><br>Installing Updates on Ubuntu<br>http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/20061108_installing_updates.ogg<br><br>Installing Flash on Ubuntu i386<br>http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/20061109_installing_flash.ogg<br><br>SAMBA Filesharing<br>http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/20070704_samba_filesharing_ogg_theora_1280x720.ogg<br><br>Andrew adds: "You may have problems accessing your share from other computers afterwards. To fix this issue do the following things. Launch the run dialog by pressing Alt+F2. Enter the command gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf then enter your password when prompted. Find the security section of the configuration file. Change "user" to "share" and remove the semicolon from the start of the line. Find the guest account section. Change "nobody" to your account's username and remove the semi colon from the start of the line. Save the file and restart your computer"<br><br>Files and Folders<br>http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/20070914_files_and_folders_theora_400k_vorbis_1280x720.ogg<br><br>Connecting to Printers<br>http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/20070915_connecting_to_printers_theora_400k_vorbis_1280x720.ogg<br><br>Printing in Ubuntu<br>http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/20070727_printing_in_ubuntu_1024x768_theora_vorbis.ogg<br><br>Customising Ubuntu Desktop<br>http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/20061113_customising_ubuntu_desktop.ogg<br><br>Users and Fast User Switcher<br>http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/20070913_users_theora_400k_vorbis_1280x720.ogg<br><br>Introduction to Evolution<br>http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/20061112_introduction_to_evolution.ogg<br><br>Skype on Ubuntu Linux<br>http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/20070911_skype_theora_400k_vorbis_1024x768.ogg<br><br>Watching Video<br>http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/20070918_watching_video_theora_800k_vorbis_1024x768.ogg<br></body>