Hi all,<br><br>As part of any wiki cleanup, I honestly believe the subject of the submission information<br>spec pages on <a href="http://wiki.ubuntu.com">wiki.ubuntu.com</a> from blueprints (link below) should be addressed.<br>
<br><a href="https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu">https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu</a><br><br>The pages created for blueprints seem to be sprayed all over the wiki with no real<br>concern for any form of organisation. I would suggest we create a 'BluePrints'<br>
section on the wiki that can be subdivided into sections for various forms of information<br>a well as a 'Specs' section where all the individual specs linked to from launchpad<br>blueprints can be organised and more easily managed.<br>