Hi all,<br> Please look at <a href="https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiGuide/PageCreation">https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiGuide/PageCreation</a> and <a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpOnPageCreation">https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpOnPageCreation
</a> while the former is more direct and easy to follow on how to create a page, the latter is confusing. It just says add a wikiname to an existing page. A person like me would be wary as wouldn't want to over-write somebody else's hard work. Also no clarifications have been given anywhere else on the page which results into either asking help from somebody on #launchpad or #ubuntu-doc which does lead to loss of time.
<br>I would have changed/edited that page myself but for as its an immutable page I guess only somebody higher up has the authority. Also it says something about Needing update for 1.3 (I guess moinmoin got updated & hence some features) . Anyway looking forward to somebody changing for the better.
<br clear="all"><br>-- <br> Shirish Agarwal<br> This work is licensed under the Creative Commons NonCommercial Sampling Plus 1.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/nc-sampling+/1.0/">