<div>Hi there all doc members,editors and maintenaners and cleanup crew like me etc.I was browsing through the ubuntu wikitodo incomplete pages,i thought it is worthwhile to put some categaries to finished articles,topic or
discussion.e.g.X window system,window manager related files in one categary that is accesible in main page like wikipedia,so that user can browse simmilar pages.This will help users as making categaries for finished articles will certainly help in indexing cause right now the pages on wiki are scattered and there is no central area from where we can look for exact wiki
page.User needs to search for the term or the title into the search engine.<br>Ok if you say we already have categaries like categarycleanup and categary documentation then let me tell you these are all for us,we can't think it is same for normal user browsing wiki page.
<br>Helppages on wiki should be easily accesible from the some central pages.all the quality content should be included or linked in it.<br>Tell me what you think?</div>
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<div>cheers </div>