New Ubuntu Server Guide Live

Doug Smythies dsmythies at
Thu May 7 14:39:04 UTC 2020

On 2020.05.07 01:58 Robin Winslow wrote:

> Sorry this is quite a delayed update,
> but the publishing issue for the server
> guide was fixed by IS on 29th April,
> and has been building daily ever since.

Yes, I noticed. Thank you.

> You can always find the latest version of the
> PDF with the link
> The guide now includes text at the very bottom saying e.g.
> "PDF generated on 2020-05-07 03:53:16", so you can see how
> fresh the content is.

> Let me know if you find any more issues with this.

There was an issue with a big spew of the URL stuff
on the navigation page from the discourse source.
That was late last night (pages 4-6):
But I see the entire navigation page is gone this morning, which
makes sense as the table of contents tab can be used.

... Doug

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