Installer Slideshow late for Ubuntu Desktop

Will Cooke will.cooke at
Thu Mar 29 09:36:55 UTC 2018

On 22 March 2018 at 19:32, Gunnar Hjalmarsson <gunnarhj at> wrote:

> Hi Will!
> On 2018-03-22 14:32, Will Cooke wrote:
>> Sorry to say, but yet again the installer slideshow will be late in
>> being updated this cycle.
>> I've got the artwork today, but I'm waiting on a couple of changes
>> before I open a bug, get them uploaded, wait for them to appear in a
>> daily ISO, and then I will make the screenshots for the installer up
>> make a merge request.
>> I should be able to get the updated wallpaper today and I will
>> endeavour to get that uploaded today as well.
> We don't have anything about the installer in the desktop guide. If the
> changes affect translatable strings, it would be great if you could send a
> note to the ubuntu-translators mailing list.

Thanks Gunnar.

I've updated this bug:

To become a UIFe, and linked the branch with the string change in.

For translators the string describing what software is available has
changed slightly:

Say goodbye to searching the web for new software. With access to the
Ubuntu Software Store, you can find and install new apps with ease. Just
type in what you’re looking for, or explore categories such as Science,
Education and Games, alongside helpful reviews from other users.

Say goodbye to searching the web for new software. With access to the Snap
Store and the Ubuntu software archive, you can find and install new apps
with ease. Just type in what you’re looking for, or explore categories such
as Games, Graphics & Photography and Productivity, alongside helpful
reviews from other users.

Thanks for your help, and sorry it's late.

Cheers, Will

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