Can you read this email? (second attempt)

Doug Smythies dsmythies at
Thu Mar 9 00:11:27 UTC 2017

Hi Kevin,

And thanks very much for helping, particularly considering
you are doing other stuff these days.

On 2107.03.08 15:49 Kevin Godby wrote:

> Hi, Doug.
> On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 5:39 PM, Doug Smythies <dsmythies at> wrote:
>> Yes, I think the list system stripped the signature.
>> There was a signature on my copy (as a directly addressed C.C.) in my inbox.
>> Kevin and/or Peter: Did you get any bounce message for a test e-mail
>> from Robert Young at about 05:43 UTC today (the 8th) (21:43 the 7th my time)?
> No, the only one I've seen was the original test message from Alberto.

O.K. so we still have a problem.

Did you at least get a copy in your inbox, since you were also directly
addressed on the C.C. line? (and I am referring to the one from later
last night, the one with the doc team list also on the C.C. line. His earlier
one didn't have the doc team list on the C.C. line, which was the whole point
of the test request.)

... Doug

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