
Doug Smythies dsmythies at
Mon Feb 6 00:00:44 UTC 2017


Hi Shaun:

Recall the above referenced thread. Small excerpt from first message below:

On 2016.09.26 11:27 Shaun McCance wrote:

> Currently, if I recall things correctly, is built with
> a set of scripts that call yelp-build with the -x option for custom
> styling. Rather than have every project roll its own orchestration
> scripts, I've been working on a tool called Pintail to manage entire
> documentation sites:
> ...

We concluded that we would have a look at it for the 17.04 cycle.

The thing is, the web site stuff pretty automated and very easy at
the moment, so I don't see the need to switch to some new tool
right now.

I think the use of some new tool should be considered whenever we
have to do some significant re-structuring for some other reason.
As Gunnar mentioned somewhere in the thread, Unity 8
Documentation will eventually be coming along. So maybe then.

If someone else want to take this one on and run with it, please do.

... Doug

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