Correction to immutable page

Alberto Salvia Novella es20490446e at
Wed Sep 28 16:13:56 UTC 2016

Elizabeth K. Joseph:
> Writing formal documentation is quite a bit different
> than contributing to a wiki.

Look at wikipedia: it has build the highest quality encyclopedia that 
exists, based on the wiki model and allowing anybody to contribute. The 
same goes to the Arch Linux wiki. I don't know why we couldn't do the same.

But after thinking about this topic for a while, I understand that's a 
big step to take.

Instead I would to propose a different approach, that we organise the 
wiki as an official documentation would deserve. Then if that's 
successful, with the facts in hand, we could consider if it's worth 
keeping both domains.

On the other hand I think we are better talking about this after the 
wiki has been ported to a new engine.

Have a nice day 🌈

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