Lack of informations about the flaw of the use of sudo

Alberto Salvia Novella es20490446e at
Thu Sep 22 10:46:45 UTC 2016

Edgard Schmidt:
> The attacker could edit the users ".bashrc" file and insert the
> following line: alias sudo='bash ~/.malware/'

That's true, if the attacker could gain write permissions to any file in 
the user's directory.

The problem is that in practise this is highly improbable. Modern 
browsers design is compartmentalized, which means no function access 
directly the file system but does using a common interface.

That interface only allows to write in the web browser configuration 
folder. Only when you download files the browser does differently and 
allows to download anywhere, and always interactively with the person 
sat in front of the screen.

In the past there were problems with plug-ins, like Flash and Java, 
because those sometimes allowed themselves to write anywhere. They were 
the main source of exploits, but these days they are run in a sand-boxed 
file system. Moreover they are planned to be deprecated.

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