Current edit rights on the wikis

Paul White paulw2u at
Tue May 10 20:59:49 UTC 2016

It is my understanding that when Canonical IS "locked down" the wikis
they removed edit rights for those in the ~ubuntu-etherpad Launchpad
group but retained access for those in the ~ubuntumembers group. As an
Ubuntu Member I can and have successfully edited both wikis on more than
one occasion in the last couple of days. I have *no* special or admin

Please can someone, whose word is better believed than mine, confirm
that Ubuntu members *should* be able to edit both wikis as I'm now in
the frustrating position of not being believed. 

Alternatively, please can someone explain why I can edit the wikis but
others with similar access levels can't.
Paul White
PaulW2U at

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