Current wiki access status

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at
Tue Jun 21 09:54:43 UTC 2016

Den 2016-06-21 kl. 11:35, skrev Gunnar Hjalmarsson:
> On 2016-06-21 10:52, Elizabeth K. Joseph wrote:
>> On Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 12:58 AM, Chris Perry
>> <clissold345 at> wrote:
>>> ubuntu-wiki-editors now seems to be working and I've applied to
>>> join it. I think we need to let genuine people know. Spammers will
>>> find out too but hopefully the moderation will keep them out.
>> Yesterday popey updated the documentation on the WikiGuide page to
>> reflect this new team, so beyond this mailing list (done!) hopefully
>> that's all the formal "let people know" we needed to do.
> I see another moderated team with a "Join the team" link. Nowhere I see
> what I'm expected to do to be considered qualified to join.
> So how will this become different to ubuntu-etherpad?

Hi everybody concerned about spamming,

Who knows that clissold345 and Elvis Presley are not spammers? (They are 
accepted as members and have very low karma at Launchpad.)

Best regards

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