[desktop] ubuntu-docs branch ready for yakkety

Stephen M. Webb stephen.webb at canonical.com
Mon Jun 20 02:32:13 UTC 2016

On 16-06-18 11:15 AM, Hannie Dumoleyn wrote:
> Op 17-06-16 om 16:45 schreef Stephen M. Webb:
>> One of the big things that should be coming up for 16.10 is that we want to ship Unity 8 as a (non-default) alternative
>> login shell alongside Unity 7.  I'd really like to see if we can get the ball rolling *now* on providing some good user
>> docs for the Unity 8 desktop where possible, although I'm not sure how docs will be made available yet.  My bigger
>> concern is content at this point.  Are there any volunteers willing to take a stab at crafting some initial outlines and
>> content?
> I would like to help writing documentation about this subject, Unity 8. But to do so, I need to get acquainted with this
> new feature. Is there a way to test it, e.g. in Virtual Box or TestDrive?

Running in a VM gives mixed results:  it works in some, and not others (and I don't have a list of which is which handy
at the moment).

The ability to install and run a Unity 8 desktop has been around and unchanged since 13.10.  You just have to install
the package "unity8-desktop-session-mir" and select the Unity 8 session from the LightDM login screen.  The restriction
of only working on free software video drivers still applies (ie. proprietary drivers from nVidia or AMD still don't work).

You can also find the package using Ubuntu Software.

Stephen M. Webb  <stephen.webb at canonical.com>

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