[desktop] ubuntu-docs branch ready for yakkety

Hannie Dumoleyn lafeber-dumoleyn2 at zonnet.nl
Sat Jun 18 15:15:42 UTC 2016

Op 17-06-16 om 16:45 schreef Stephen M. Webb:
> On 16-06-17 10:27 AM, Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:
>> With this the Bazaar branch lp:ubuntu-docs is ready for the 16.10
>> editing. There are three months left before "DocumentationStringFreeze"
>> on September 15.
> Thanks for doing this (what with all the wiki chaos and debacle about managing the projects).
> One of the big things that should be coming up for 16.10 is that we want to ship Unity 8 as a (non-default) alternative
> login shell alongside Unity 7.  I'd really like to see if we can get the ball rolling *now* on providing some good user
> docs for the Unity 8 desktop where possible, although I'm not sure how docs will be made available yet.  My bigger
> concern is content at this point.  Are there any volunteers willing to take a stab at crafting some initial outlines and
> content?
To all,
I would like to help writing documentation about this subject, Unity 8. 
But to do so, I need to get acquainted with this new feature. Is there a 
way to test it, e.g. in Virtual Box or TestDrive?

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