Current wiki access status

Chris Perry clissold345 at
Fri Jun 10 20:40:49 UTC 2016

Hi Alberto

So you want to do some research, as you described on the "Noticeboard"
thread: "Before making a decision about it, I would ask other
communities about how they deal with this kind of problem. Like the
Security Stack Exchange or the Wikimedia Foundation."? I'm glad you
set an end date to your research (Tuesday 28th June).

Can't we find the info on the internet? I found a short description of
the technical tools that Wikipedia use to keep tabs on spammers (link
below). Is that any use to you? I think you mentioned some of the
Wikipedia checks/tools yourself on the "Noticeboard" thread: "Have you
tried temporally banning by IP, city or country?".



On 10 June 2016 at 19:01, Alberto Salvia Novella <es20490446e at> wrote:
> As result, next Monday I will start interviewing people about how we could
> stop these attack. Two weeks later, on Tuesday 28, I will bring that
> information to this list so we can make an informed decision.
> --
> ubuntu-doc mailing list
> ubuntu-doc at

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