[wiki] Editing work on the community help wiki

Chris Perry clissold345 at googlemail.com
Wed Jul 27 12:58:16 UTC 2016

Dear all

Is anyone interested in doing some editing work on the community help
wiki (https://help.ubuntu.com/community)? For example, sometimes
procedures (numbered steps) have lost some or all of their numbering,
sometimes a page uses two or more terms for the same object (it's
clearer to use one term), sometimes heading levels are wrong,
sometimes commands have the system prompt included or have
accidentally got numbered, sometimes pages contain spelling mistakes,
etc, etc. If you start work on a page you can fix just one or two
problems, you don't have to try to fix all the problems.

There's a list of the most viewed pages here:


It will be easy enough to browse down this list and find a page that
is in need of some editing. I like the community help wiki because it
was easy to learn the basics of the markup language and if I make a
change everyone can see it immediately. I know the basics of editing
the community help wiki and I'm happy to answer questions to help
people get started.

If you can't edit the community help wiki at present, you need to join
the ubuntuwikieditors team. Please see:




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