The future of Community Help Wiki

Alberto Salvia Novella es20490446e at
Wed Jan 6 20:01:58 UTC 2016

Pasi Lallinaho:
 > Pages that introduce specific applications that have no extra value
 > over the the package descriptions in the repository seem to be more
 > or less a waste of time.

I think that the philosophy of wikis should be that they to contain info 
that is constantly been looked for. To cover the 90% of cases, and leave 
the other 10% for asking. As these 10% is usually huge, hard to 
maintain, and effectively makes the rest of info hard to spot.

For example, look at <>. 
I am constantly been asked how to report bugs, because that document is 
huge and 95% of the time users just want to report a non-crash, or know 
how to fill a bug at

The 90% remaining is $%/·&%"¡ and should be got out of view, moved to a 
subsection or deleted all together. It isn't that important as first 

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