1. Consistency of documentations - 2. Release specific documentation

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Wed Aug 17 09:12:15 UTC 2016


I've got two questions.

Regarding the consistency of the Ubuntu Wiki and help pages I wounder if
we should prefer "apt" over "apt-get" or doesn't it matter?

Assuming parts of a Wiki could depend much on the Ubuntu release, would
a wording similar to [1] be ok, or do you think it could
cause uncertainty?


PS: 14 hours ago and I'm still not allowed to edit a Wiki again :D,
others already wait since a month ago
< https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wiki-editors/+members?active_batch=75&active_direction=backwards&active_start=75 >.
I suspect for a moderator it is visible that I already edited the Wiki
in the past and this might be helpful to make a decision.

Always resynchronize the package index files from their sources before you install packages by running:
  sudo apt update

Not all Ubuntu Studio releases might provide the same meta-packages, to get a list of all packages run:

  apt search ubuntustudio

You also could use the Ubuntu Packages Search < http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ubuntustudio&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all >.

Some Ubuntu Studio meta-packages depend on other meta-packages, to install everything you likely could run:

  sudo apt install ubuntustudio-desktop ubuntustudio-audio ubuntustudio-audio-plugins ubuntustudio-graphics ubuntustudio-video

To install all the listed packages for 16.04 xenial without doubts run:

  sudo apt install $(apt search ubuntustudio|cut -d/ -f1|grep -v transition|grep -Ev [[:upper:]])

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