How to get back access to the Wiki?

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at
Tue Aug 16 18:21:47 UTC 2016

On Tue, 16 Aug 2016 14:31:48 +0000, José Antonio Rey wrote:
>Contributing to the Wiki has always been easy and straightforward. I am
>sure that if you applied to the team, it would have taken less than a
>day for you to get in.


actually I contributed to Ubuntu Wikis, too. It has never been that
"easy and straightforward" as for other Wikis.

As already pointed out, you visited a Wiki you wanted to edit, then
logged in to the Ubuntu One account and when you go back to the Wiki,
you needed to log in again and this happened several times. Often the
Ubuntu One log in was very slow.

Regarding the amount of spam, some of it likely is self-made, since
there's not one merchandise online store for all Ubuntu flavours, but
there are several with different partners. This calls up spammers, for
Ubuntu related forums.

An approach to ensure that not a machine logs in, a Wiki could use
CAPTCHAs. Not those annoying CAPTCHAs, some are very easy to use, e.g.
by coping and pasting a line of commands to the terminal and it's output
back to the CAPTCHA.

However, I reconsidered my decision and will see how "easy and
straightforward" it is to become access to the Wikis again.

Btw. I have an older and a newer account, since I forgot about the old
account, but then remembered it. I would like to be able to use both or
if possible to merge the accounts.

Both accounts pending approval at the moment.


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