How to file documentation bugs

Chris Perry clissold345 at
Sun Aug 14 18:16:25 UTC 2016

Hi Gunnar

Thanks for your reply, especially for the link to the bugs for the
desktop guide. If I spot any more problems (big or small) with the
desktop guide, I'll certainly file bugs for them. (And I'd encourage
others to do the same.)



On 14 August 2016 at 14:21, Gunnar Hjalmarsson <gunnarhj at> wrote:
> Hi Chris!
> On 2016-08-14 11:24, Chris Perry wrote:
>> I've filed two bugs against the official documentation for 16-04 in
>> the last 24 hours or so (the bugs don't cover anything of great
>> importance).
> The latter is true for many docs bugs, but the devil is in the details,
> so also bugs about small things are much appreciated.
>> There are some documentation bugs listed here (link below).
>> ...
> Right, it's the bug tracker for the *project* ubuntu-docs. Most of those
> bugs, even if docs related, are about other things but the actual contents.
> Otherwise, the main tracker for the desktop guide bugs is here:
> (That's where you find the ones you submitted.)
> The tracker for the server guide bugs is here:
>> The wiki page about reporting bugs (link below) mentions translation
>> bugs but not documentation bugs. If we want to add a short section
>> about documentation bugs, I'm willing to do it - though I'm not
>> volunteering to check the whole page.
> Thanks. Personally I'm not sure it would be motivated to mention docs
> bugs specifically on that page. Docs bugs are as most other bugs: Figure
> out the package/project and submit it against that package/project.
> Others may thing otherwise, though.
> --
> Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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