How to file documentation bugs

Chris Perry clissold345 at
Sun Aug 14 09:24:38 UTC 2016

Dear all

I've filed two bugs against the official documentation for 16-04 in
the last 24 hours or so (the bugs don't cover anything of great
importance). For the second bug I set the package as "ubuntu-docs". Is
this correct? If I haven't filed the bugs correctly can someone tell
me how I should have done it?

If anyone is interested my bugs are here (link below). The top bug is
a very old one, bugs 2 and 3 are the new ones.

There are some documentation bugs listed here (link below). Is that
all of them? If not how do I list them all?

The wiki page about reporting bugs (link below) mentions translation
bugs but not documentation bugs. If we want to add a short section
about documentation bugs, I'm willing to do it - though I'm not
volunteering to check the whole page.



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