Asus Notebook Pc Q502L install Ubuntu

Alberto Salvia Novella es20490446e at
Fri Sep 11 17:30:02 UTC 2015

Eduardo Arenas:
> I have an Asus Notebook Pc Q502L Core i5 and 8 gigabytes. I can install
> Ubuntu, which version is recommended

The first one that's shown by default in:

The rest are a matter of personal preference, or intended for older 

Aaron Honeycutt:
 > The proper place to ask for support is on the Ubuntu User mailing
 > list.

Even better at <>. There you get more responses, 
the best are up-voted, and other users will be able to find them afterwards.

Eduardo Arenas:
 > Sent from Windows Mail

Aaron Honeycutt:
 > Sent from my Cyanogen phone

In my case I don't have a phone. I manage the world from my superb 
Ubuntu desktop 😉

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