What Ubuntu release are you using?

Penelope Stowe pstowe at gmail.com
Fri Nov 13 15:09:23 UTC 2015

> On Nov 13, 2015, at 07:47, Alberto Salvia Novella <es20490446e at gmail.com> wrote:
> Peter Matulis:
>> Alberto, it would have been great to have seen some context around your
>> request in terms of what you're trying to achieve.
> It is all in the form itself, so the explanation is always there in case someone shares the link with more people.

I think Peter meant that it would have been useful for those of us on the list to have more explanation in the email about the content of the link, especially if it was sent to multiple lists. I don't click links when they're the only thing in the body of an email, regardless of who sent it. I'm not the only person I know who has that policy.

I haven't looked at the link, but I'm assuming it's a survey asking what Ubuntu releases respondents use (your subject line doesn't specify & for all I know it's results from a past survey or a draft of a blog post sparking discussion of the subject). If I'm correct that it's a survey, a sentence saying "Please fill out & pass on this survey about what Ubuntu releases you currently use."  would be enough if you didn't want to be more specific.  It's even better if the body of the email explains who wants to know, any specific target groups (do you want responses from power users? Non-technical end users? Are there groups/regions of people you want responses from that you aren't sure how to reach?), & what the results will be used for. 

When asking people to do something, it's best give recipients as much info about what you're looking for as possible before clicking any links & to be polite about it. The point is to cut down on the steps needed for the recipient to decide what/when to do with the email/link. This is especially true if you want people to pass something on. You're going to get links passed on by many more people if all they have to do is hit forward. Most people are only going to spend the time to create their own explanation if the link/survey is a personal priority.

~ Penelope

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