OpenHelp Conference ideas

Gunnar Hjalmarsson gunnarhj at
Wed Jul 29 23:06:27 UTC 2015

On 2015-07-27 00:02, Ted Cox wrote:
> I'm attending the OpenHelp Conference in Cincinnati, OH in
> September.

Much appreciated that you stepped up and made that decision, Ted!

> I'd like to promote Ubuntu by submitting a talk, demo, or organizing
> a sprint, but could use some ideas from the doc team. What are some
> cool projects the doc team is working on that might interest other
> tech writers?

Don't know about "cool"... ;)

Anyway, if it's going to be some kind of talk/presentation, I suppose it
ought to include an overview of the different types of docs which we
currently maintain. There was a classroom session about docs a while
ago, and the log gives you a (basic) overview:

I don't know how much you know, so please come back with more detailed
questions if you need further pointers.

Another suitable topic may be the current challenge: A brand new set of
docs will be written for Unity 8, which will cover the Unity 8 desktop
as well as the phone and tablet.

@Stephen: Are you able to give Ted some input on the plans wrt the Unity
8 docs?

On 2015-07-29 04:08, Svetlana Belkin wrote:
> I may be able to attend, as I'm only 30-ish minutes north of
> Downtown Cincinnati.

Great, Svetlana! And Jorge O. Castro indicated that he will attend as
well. Hopefully enough to make the attendance result in a few new ideas. :)

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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