Wanted: Help from someone good at Makefile stuff

Doug Smythies dsmythies at telus.net
Wed Feb 25 23:19:58 UTC 2015

Conno, thanks for your reply.

Everybody: I forgot something important: The Makefile is not a master
file that is part of the bzr branch, but rather it is compiled.

Refer to the build instructions here:

On 2104.02.25 10:25 Conno wrote:

> Hello Doug, All,
> Take in account that I am only familiar with bzr's distant cousin git...
> From what I read from the bug/feature report is something like this:
> files        make
> a.file       a.page
> b.file       b.page
> but if there's a previous build containing c.page, it will not be 
> deleted even though it's original does not exist (in other words, the 
> script plain ignores anything that sits on the output-side of things), 
> right?

Yes, right. However there are also master files in the same directories
(one directory for each language) that must not be deleted.

> I am not about to touch any files, (I am not even in the launchpad, so 
> tehre's a big chance that I can't even), also can't seem to quickly 
> find/check the make-file. I will assume it is a shell script, and it 
> might suffice to just add an "mv" to rename all previously generated 
> files to name.type.OLD ??

They should just be deleted.

> if I missed the nail anywhere then please disregard this e-mail.
> I do not have a whole lot of time on my hands either, but I can always 
> glance over stuff. If it's bash, I can sneak it into my shellscripting 
> classes, (what they teach us is peanuts for anyone who did some linux 
> maintenace before anyways).

I do not think you need a launchpad account to browse the code:


> Doug Smythies schreef op 25-2-2015 om 17:31:
>> Hi all,
>> Is there someone good at Makefile stuff out there willing to take on a bug report? Or just someone with enough time to tackle
>> issue?
>> Reference:
>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-docs/+bug/1420933

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