Please, could you give your opinion on these documentation styles?

Little Girl littlergirl at
Sat Oct 18 13:06:36 UTC 2014

Hey there,

Alberto Salvia Novella wrote:

> After studying your latest message for hours,

I'm sorry - I didn't mean to do that to you!

> I decided the following:
>   - The ease of use of the online graphical version is the highest
> priority.

Agreed. (:
>   - Improving ease of the plain text only or offline versions is 
> desired, as long as it doesn't go in decrement of the above.

> And the particular application of these is something I need time to 
> think about.

I'm sure you'll do a great job. It seems like you're very motivated.

> Have a nice day (^_-)-☆

You, too. ________________(....=^@@^=______   ---<,,">

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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