there's absolutely wrong statement regarding Solaris's zones and FreeBSD's jail in LXC doc:

Doug Smythies dsmythies at
Mon Nov 10 23:09:13 UTC 2014

On 2104.11.09 21:03 Igor Podlesny wrote:

> "... Containers are a lightweight virtualization technology. They are
> more akin to an enhanced chroot than to full virtualization like Qemu
> or VMware, both because they do not emulate hardware and because
> containers share the same operating system as the host. Therefore
> containers are better compared to Solaris zones or BSD jails. ..." --
> Essentialy both the "zones" and the "jails" are lightweight
> virtualization technology, so actually they're very similar to
> "containers".

Isn't that exactly what the author was saying?

> I dunno who wrote that ignorant statement in the doc, but it needs to
> be fixed if you want your docs to be considered as accurate source of
> knowledge.

Typically, the serverguide suffers from a complete lack of subject matter
expert contributions to its content. However in this case it has benefited
from excellent contributions and revisions from a senior virtualization

We, the documentation team, are so very grateful, and I refuse to forward
your unkind e-mail to him.

However, if you have a suggestion as to how these particular sentences
should be revised, please send them for our consideration.

Doug Smythies

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