Fwd: Typo in Vagrant Cloud box description

Alberto Salvia Novella es20490446e at gmail.com
Mon Nov 10 16:22:30 UTC 2014

Jared Beck:
 > I think I found a typo in a Vagrant Cloud Ubuntu box description (see
 > attached ubuntu_typo.jpg).  I reported it to the Ubuntu Documentation
 > team, but they were unaware of Vagrant Cloud.

Seth Vargo:
 > Thank you for finding that typo! Unfortunately HashiCorp does not
 > control third-party boxes; it is the responsibility of the box
 > maintainer(s) to keep box information up-to-date and fix these types
 > of issues.
 > Regarding ownership, I have confirmed that the |ubuntu| organization
 > is owned by a user with an |@ubuntu.com| email address. Due to the
 > way our registration system works (confirmation by email is
 > required), it is highly unlikely that individual is /not/ a member of
 > the Ubuntu organization. Due to our privacy policy, I cannot give you
 > the name or email address of that individual who owns the Ubuntu
 > organization on Vagrant Cloud.

Do you know where this needs to be reported?

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