Meetingology bot crash course

Doug Smythies dsmythies at
Wed Nov 5 00:24:20 UTC 2014

On 2014.11.04 14:06 Lyz wrote:

> Hi everyone,

> Sorry I missed the meeting today, work+travel schedule has been a bit
> overwhelming lately.

> I did want to pass along the "minimum possible to run a meeting" crash
> course for the meetbot though. Commands all start with # so you'll
> have:

> #startmeeting Ubuntu Docs
> #chair dsmythies GunnarHj
>  (Adding chairs is nice in case you want other people to be able to
>  do # actions, or if someone needs to leave halfway through the
>  meeting, only the chairs can end the meeting.)
> #topic Help site navigation
> #action dsmythies does amazing things
> #endmeeting

> Those are the basics, you can learn more at:

Thanks very much.

Well, that certainly seems easy enough.

... Doug

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