Next Doc team meeting: Aug 6

Doug Smythies dsmythies at
Wed Jul 30 00:12:54 UTC 2014

On 2104.07.29 11:27 Peter Matulis wrote:
> Great questions Doug.  We can discuss details in the meeting but I
> include major points inline.
> On 07/23/2014 05:53 PM, Doug Smythies wrote:
>> On 2104.07.23 11:54 Peter Matulis wrote:

>>> The next Doc team meeting is on Wednesday, Aug 6 @ 17:00 UTC .
>> I can never make 17:00 on Wednesdays, but, and as mentioned few months ago,
>> I won't be much involved in docs until late September anyhow.
>>> I have added an interesting bit to the agenda [1].  It is a proposal
>>> from Canonical to contribute and maintain new documentation on cloud
>>> topics (which we currently lack) ...
>> Would the Canonical stuff, and the related master bzr branch be under a different project?
>> And how would people know to file bugs under, say, "canonical-docs"
>> instead of "Ubuntu-docs" or "serverguide"?
> The documents themselves will contain this information, like we do in
> the Server Guide [1] which is unfortunately incomplete in this respect.  :$
> [1]:
>> What does "will use a different license" mean?
> Mainly it will say that the docs are for personal, education, and
> non-commercial use only.
>>> as well as help with the administration
>>> of the web site (
>> For our current part of it, why would we want this?
>> As it is now we just do it and it is done. Minimal overhead.
>> Since I first started using Ubuntu, was never up to date
>> on release day. Since I started taking care of updates it has
>> always been up to date on release day, something I am quite proud of.
>> For the new Canonical parts of it, they should take care of it yes.
>>>  This last would free the Doc team
>>> from web site administration (maintaining themes/styles, etc) and to
>>> focus on documentation.
>> I do not see how it would release the doc team from anything as it is all
>> embedded in our master bzr branches (not the master branch,
>> which is almost entirely just slave files to the actual ubuntu-docs and serverguide
>> master branches.
> It depends on whether we want to be in the web design *and*
> documentation business or just the documentation business.  You are
> evidently comfortable in both but as a *team* we need to decide what we
> want.

Sorry. I am not comfortable with the theme design at all.
However, and even though it takes a great many hours per issue,
I do look into investigating and fixing issues with the theme.
Often, but not always, these end up being upstream issues with
yelp and yelp-tools.

>  My opinion is that if Canonical is updating other
> sites due to, say, a theme change, it makes sense for them to do it on
> all sites in one go.

Yes, and that stuff is in "our" master bzr branches.

> Having to depend on one person to do it for
> is not great.  And indeed it does free us up.  It frees
> us up from having to do that.  :)

The point I was trying to make further above was that I do not want
to give up the ability to push the master bzr branch directly,
and have it automatically picked up and published within 24 hours. (as we do
today.) At the same time I do not want to deal with the canonical pages.

... Doug

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