[WIKI]Re: A Thought On Clamming People's Fears of Wiki Editing

John Kim johnkim.ubuntu at gmail.com
Fri Feb 14 16:49:15 UTC 2014


I agree that we need some mentors as well. Who would be interested in creating a mentioning page? 

The next important criteria for mentors is commitment and availability, so that both the mentors and their apprentices can help each other throughout the process. Mentorship should not be sporadic, but ideally last throughout an entire development cycle.

Here is one good example of a page that lists out members.   We can model the idea around this page.

John Kim
Ubuntu Contributor
johnkim.ubuntu at gmail.com

2014. 2. 14., 7:35, Svetlana Belkin <belkinsa at ubuntusense.com> 작성:

> On 02/14/2014 03:56 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
>> Doing the whole lot IS daunting but knowing the other type exists
>> takes a lot of that fear away.  It also helps if one of each sort can
>> be teamed-up in some way or if mentors are available.
>> I'd be happy to mentor someone if they only need an occasional nudge.
>> Probably best if people feel they can ask specific questions to the
>> relevant mailing list jic their mentor is not around.
> I'm also willing to but I think we need to make a mentioning page for
> our team that contains the information on the "program" and the list of
> mentors.  I think the lack of this (of not having mentors) is also a
> problem.
> -- 
> Svetlana Belkin A.K.A: belkinsa
> Member of: LoCo Contacts, Ubuntu Doc Team, Ubuntu Ohio, Ubuntu Women
> User Wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/belkinsa
> -- 
> ubuntu-doc mailing list
> ubuntu-doc at lists.ubuntu.com
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