Calling for Server Guide reviewers/contributors - - TRUSTY

Serge Hallyn serge.hallyn at
Fri Feb 7 14:20:09 UTC 2014

Quoting Doug Smythies (dsmythies at
> On 2014.02.06 15:05 Serge Hallyn wrote:
> > Quoting Peter Matulis (peter.matulis at
> >> On 01/03/2014 01:08 AM, Mauricio Tavares wrote:
> >>> On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 5:58 AM, Peter Matulis
> >> 
> >>>> After having spent a good part of the day going through just one file
> >>>> (chapter) I now know how much work is involved:
> >>>>
> >>>> 1. A good number of external links are broken
> >>>> 2. All internal links are broken and require a new way of linking
> >>>> (source and destination)
> >>>> 3. All admonitions (i.e. "notes" and "warnings") are crippled, but not
> >>>> outright broken
> >>>> 4. All working external links *should* be changed to a new format
> >>>> 5. Heading organization need to be redone in all chapters.  All
> chapters
> >>>> have multiple 1st level headings.  This is what was causing the
> >>>> flattened/expansize table of contents I mentioned earlier.
> >>>> 6. More theme/customization work
> >>>> 7. Research how this conversion will affect the translators and come up
> >>>> with a corrective plan
> >>>>
> >>>> I can't do all this myself; I estimate there is about 120 hours of work
> >>>> required.  Anyone?
> >>>>
> >>>       I can help; it would be a good way to understand the new format.
> >>> Should I do what you did and fetch a chapter somehow, edit it and
> >>> place it somewhere so it can be seen before brought back?
> >>
> >> Let's work from here:
> >> 
> >>
> >> 
> >> You can make a branch of that and then I can occasionally merge in your
> >> new work.
> > Oh, drat, I was starting from lp:serverguide (with small update pushed
> > to lp:~serge-hallyn/serverguide/lxc-trusty-update)
> > I'll take a look at your tree.  (The lxc update will need to be
> > extensive)
> Serge: Please continue your work with lp:serverguide as the master code.
> There is no way there will be a change over before the serverguide 14.04
> is released.
> This thread stalled out when trying to estimate the translations
> portion of the project (at least that is my understanding).
> Please consider to put your name under Chapter 20.4 on:
> ide
> the serverguide task list, as reviewing it.
> The serverguide doc team is very grateful for your help.

Ok, thanks for the info.  FWIW I intend to cut quite a bit out of the
section (as well as add information on new features) in order to make
it more readable, more maintainable, and less redundant (i.e. refer to
the manpages rather than list detailed lxc.conf info)  So it's going
to be more of a re-write than a review.


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