Fwd: Re: [Ubuntu-manual] Fwd: [desktop] Docs about bluetooth

Hannie Dumoleyn lafeber-dumoleyn2 at zonnet.nl
Tue Dec 9 15:53:43 UTC 2014

I just thought to put this on the UM mailing list and got the following 
answer from John Hart:

I have the On/Off "switch" for my BT with 14.04LTS.  See the screen shot 
below.  I hope this helps you in writing the section.

On 12/08/2014 11:10 AM, Hannie Dumoleyn wrote:
Anyone here who can help?

-------- Doorgestuurd bericht --------
Onderwerp: 	[desktop] Docs about bluetooth
Datum: 	Sat, 06 Dec 2014 18:52:22 +0100
Van: 	Gunnar Hjalmarsson <gunnarhj at ubuntu.com>
Aan: 	ubuntu-doc at lists.ubuntu.com

Hi all,

There ishttps://launchpad.net/bugs/1392907  about the description of
bluetooth in the desktop guide. I'm not using bluetooth myself
currently, and made a stupid mistake when initially responding on the
bug report.

Is there anyone on the list who uses bluetooth and is willing to help
getting it right?

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