Unwanted notifications

Chris Druif chrisdruif at ubuntu.com
Sun Aug 31 21:03:55 UTC 2014

Hello everyone,

Sorry to bother you all with this so long after the wiki.ubuntu.com and
help.ubuntu.com changed to use Ubuntu One sign in but I'm still receiving
update notifications of changed made to pages I'm no longer subscribed to.
For example I'm only listed for changed to /MrChrisDruif (because that's my
own page) but nothing else, yet I'm still getting notifications from

Sure I could just make a filter to stop receiving these messages in my
mailbox (or mute, but that's basically the same thing), however I'm a fan
of fixing problems instead of trying to make workarounds for them. Where
should I go to try and "fix" this issue to basically reduce unnecessary
load on both the Google servers (not important) as well as the Ubuntu
servers (very important IMO).

With metta, Chris
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