Another typo

Doug Smythies dsmythies at
Sat Apr 5 19:51:59 UTC 2014

On 2014.04.05 08:38 Hannie wrote:
>op 05-04-14 09:54, Tom Davies schreef:
>> On 5 April 2014 07:56, Hannie Dumoleyn <lafeber-dumoleyn2 at>

>> It's obviously "the icons are" ...

It is not obvious to me. I think it should be "the icon is"

>>> Here is another typo. I know that there is a string freeze, so if this
>>> has not been corrected in version 14.04, it can be done for the next
>>> version. As I mentioned before, filing a bug for every single typo I
>>> encounter while translating takes too much of my time, so I copy it to
>>> this list.

I do not understand why an e-mail to this list would take less time than
filing a bug report.
Anyway, I made a bug report, and set it to confirmed.

... Doug

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