Grub2 looping Links

Phill Whiteside phillw at
Thu Sep 26 22:53:43 UTC 2013


I'll let you know of of my archived area where I would discuss things
before they ever got to Wiki. There is a lot on that site from a lot more
than may have been suspected on the initial grub stuff [1].

It is my archive area of what some very good people were involved in. The
links that people use to send to that area, even though it is dormant I
promised to keep active. So far, so good :)

By the way, do feel free to have a wander over that area, you will see some
links are still used.

The google advert thing right at the bottom was put on there as proof of
concept for another person who uses phpBB (Hence it being as far out of the
way as possible). Clicking on it makes no monetary advantage to me, so
don't bother clicking!



On 26 September 2013 23:14, Tom Davies <tomdavies04 at> wrote:

> Hi :)
> I have a feeling the "GrubHowTo" is talking about Grub1 or Grub-legacy.
>  At the end of the sub-page about making a floppy it mentions
> menu.lst
> which is the old equivalent of the new grub.cfg except you can't really
> edit the new one (well you can but it's clumsy)
> The beginning of the sub-page about changing the boot order also describes
> menu.lst but after the comments section is a very shy section about
> changing the order in 10.10 (which uses Grub2).  It doesn't have headings.
>  The person who added the content either didn't have time or didn't know
> how to do wiki-mark-up.  I don't mind that sort of thing because once the
> content is there it's usually fairly easy to see which lines were meant to
> be headings and which would be best in coding brackets and such like.
> Regards form
> Tom :)
>   ------------------------------
>  *From:* MARTIN DIXON <mh.dixon at>
> *To:* Phill Whiteside <phillw at>
> *Cc:* Ubuntu Doc <ubuntu-doc at>
> *Sent:* Thursday, 26 September 2013, 21:13
> *Subject:* Re: Grub2 looping Links
> @Phill.  Many thanks, will await your comments.  Martin
>   ------------------------------
>  *From:* Phill Whiteside <phillw at>
> *To:* Martin Dixon <mh.dixon at>
> *Cc:* Ubuntu Doc <ubuntu-doc at>
> *Sent:* Thursday, 26 September 2013, 20:31
> *Subject:* Re: Grub2 looping Links
> As the Beta2 goes out tonight, I'm happy to have a read through over the
> weekend. We do not expect to be battling the zram bug until Monday.
> Regards,
> Phill.
> On 26 September 2013 20:23, Martin Dixon <mh.dixon at> wrote:
>  Hi.   Further request on the grub subject.
> I have been trying to clear up all the links to grubhowto -
> since all it does is link to Grub2 -
> there is another one GRUB2 -
> which automatically links to Grub2!  But that's another story.
> I have found two sub-pages to grubhowto (which does not have links to
> them!) -
>  h <>
> ttps://<>
> these look to my uninitiated eye as if they should be (and perhaps are
> already in another form) part of the 'proper' Grub2 pages.
> I have been unable to "get my head round" the detail sufficiently to make
> a choice between -
> 1.    try to find a way of integrating the contents into existing Grub2
> sub-pages;
> 2.    just rename them and add them to Grub2 as sub-pages and update the
> main page with a link;
> 3.    delete them - a bit rash, even to my eyes!
> My plan was to clear all the links and sub-pages and the delete both
> grubhowto and GRUB2,
> but that now depends on getting these sub-pages sorted.
> Any comments very welcome even if its -
> 4.    print all the relevant pages, compare them and make a decision.
> Martin
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