Grub2 looping Links
mh.dixon at
Wed Sep 25 18:32:35 UTC 2013
Hi Tom :)
I think your doing fine - most of the action has been the result of at least a two way process -
the only alternative I see at the moment is I continue building a bank of suggestions,
but not implementing any. Then after 13.10 we hope A N Other will add their "penny worth".
I know I have very little experience of Umbuntu, but past years designing, writing, testing, supporting and training
in OS level code gives me some basis for assessing whether what is proposed is "fitting".
Regards, Martin
From: Tom Davies <tomdavies04 at>
To: Martin Dixon <mh.dixon at>; Ubuntu Doc <ubuntu-doc at>
Sent: Wednesday, 25 September 2013, 17:12
Subject: Re: Grub2 looping Links
Hi :)
The whole of the Grub2 page is an interrupted "work in progress". The last chap was doing some great work but then suddenly stopped and i've been feeling guilty about that ever since. It was probably a new job or something but i can't help feeling that my suggestion of using the signposting links was taken tooo seriously as "written in stone" instead of just being glanced at as a temporary learning exercise/example and then deleted.
Btw i am getting worried by so many people taking so much notice of what i say. I'm usually just a lurker here so please always take my suggestions with at least "a pinch of salt". I had thought i would be sot-of mentoring Martin with the wiki-markup/down coding itself and that the rest of the team would be setting or making up policy as we went.
There might be some sort of policy written up somewhere and that might contradict my suggestions. So please don't think of any of my suggestions as anything more than just the ideas of 1 new person amongst many people.
Regards from
Tom :)
From: Martin Dixon <mh.dixon at>
To: Ubuntu Doc <ubuntu-doc at>
Sent: Wednesday, 25 September 2013, 16:45
Subject: Grub2 looping Links
Hi:) It appears that following the creation of the current GRUB2 pages a number of dead loops/pages
exist which are probably now unnecessary - I have some
ideas, but this situation cannot be "new".
Any advice as to how to address it would be appreciated.
E. g Link 1 GRUB2 -> GRUBHOWTO -> GRUB2
Link 11 GRUB2 -> Grub 2 (Ubuntu Wiki) - header only "Grub2"
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