GRUB2 targets

Tom Davies tomdavies04 at
Tue Sep 24 13:02:11 UTC 2013

Hi :)
Ahh, i do that as well.  So, it's no wonder i don't see any old kernels anymore.  i thought it was because of the recent faster developments in Grub since moving to the more modular Grub2.  Still, running a command-line process is not quite automatic for most people.  

Anyway, even if there is a long tail then it's still good to use the existing screen-shot.  It's the one people get when they first install Ubuntu and it's easy to work out what is going on if there is a tail.  The screen-shot shows only the essentials.  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

 From: Jonathan Aquilina <eagles051387 at>
To: Tom Davies <tomdavies04 at> 
Cc: Phill Whiteside <PhillW at>; Martin Dixon <mh.dixon at>; Ubuntu Doc <ubuntu-doc at> 
Sent: Tuesday, 24 September 2013, 12:54
Subject: Re: GRUB2 targets

Tom that isnt true on ubuntu if you do apt-get autoremove it removes older kernels and any older packages that had been updated. next time you do an upgrade on the command line check out where it says that these packages are no longer required and can be removed.

On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 12:20 PM, Tom Davies <tomdavies04 at> wrote:

Hi :)
>That looks right to me too.  I've 1 machine that has a nice wallpaper behind it but even so that screenshot is better.  
>What happens nowadays after several kernels have been added?  
>When you run any Gnu&Linux system the upgrades/updates tool adds newer and newer kernels but the system rarely has any automatic way of removing the old ones.  It's a bit like system restore points in Windows in that if your system suddenly becomes unbootable past the boot-menu then you can just try one of the older kernels and "ta'da" suddenly it all works, allegedly.  So, it used to be that you'd get a longer and longer tail in the boot-menu so finding Windows at the bottom became increasingly awkward.  
>The Grub2 mailing lists say that recent versions of Grub2 have tucked all those
 extras away into sub-menus off the main boot-menu, or something like that.  I tend to use Janitor to clear my system and keep forgetting to check how the boot-menu looks before getting rid of those extra kernels.  
>Regards from
>Tom :)  
> From: Phill Whiteside <PhillW at>
>To: Martin Dixon <mh.dixon at> 
>Cc: Ubuntu Doc <ubuntu-doc at> 
>Sent: Monday, 23 September 2013, 15:09
>Subject: Re: GRUB2 targets
>that looks pretty much like my grub screen (except I have a couple of more instances of operating systems installed and available to boot).
>On 23 September 2013 08:19, Martin Dixon <mh.dixon at> wrote:
>Hi all.
>>Any suggestions as to what the reference at the bottom of the first para of
>>( )
>>refers to?
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Jonathan Aquilina 
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