GRUB2 targets

MARTIN DIXON mh.dixon at
Tue Sep 24 10:53:16 UTC 2013

Hi :)
What I really enjoy about this system is that you can ask one perfectly reasonable, but perhaps unnecessary question 

and get a fascinating array of very useful information back!  

However, I think I have worked out why I could see the link address not the screenshot at that time -

so here's another (perhaps unnecessary) question when (the first time after the OS has been loaded) you first load the GRUB2 page (which is a big one) 
is there significant time delay during which the link and not the shot are visible?  Its not vital to get an answer!.


 From: Tom Davies <tomdavies04 at>
To: Phill Whiteside <PhillW at>; Martin Dixon <mh.dixon at> 
Cc: Ubuntu Doc <ubuntu-doc at> 
Sent: Tuesday, 24 September 2013, 11:20
Subject: Re: GRUB2 targets

Hi :)
That looks right to me too.  I've 1 machine that has a nice wallpaper behind it but even so that screenshot is better.  

What happens nowadays after several kernels have been added?  

When you run any Gnu&Linux system the upgrades/updates tool adds newer and newer kernels but the system rarely has any automatic way of removing the old ones.  It's a bit like system restore points in Windows in that if your system suddenly becomes unbootable past the boot-menu then you can just try one of the older kernels and "ta'da" suddenly it all works, allegedly.  So, it used to be that you'd get a longer and longer tail in the boot-menu so finding Windows at the bottom became increasingly awkward.  

The Grub2 mailing lists say that recent versions of Grub2 have tucked all those
 extras away into sub-menus off the main boot-menu, or something like that.  I tend to use Janitor to clear my system and keep forgetting to check how the boot-menu looks before getting rid of those extra kernels.  

Regards from
Tom :)  

 From: Phill Whiteside <PhillW at>
To: Martin Dixon <mh.dixon at> 
Cc: Ubuntu Doc <ubuntu-doc at> 
Sent: Monday, 23 September 2013, 15:09
Subject: Re: GRUB2 targets

that looks pretty much like my grub screen (except I have a couple of more instances of operating systems installed and available to boot).



On 23 September 2013 08:19, Martin Dixon <mh.dixon at> wrote:

Hi all.
>Any suggestions as to what the reference at the bottom of the first para of
>( )
>refers to?
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