On dovecot

Doug Smythies dsmythies at telus.net
Thu Sep 19 15:00:08 UTC 2013

On 2013.09.19 07:30 Mauricio wrote: 

> That said, I wonder if we should maintain primarily the LTS docs and
> then have a way to link it to the future releases, changing only what
> has changed in that release (maybe this is done already and I am just
> clueless as always). I mean, if I am thinking on an ubuntu server
> release what I would go for is the LTS version. Changing release ever
> 6 months is fine in the desktop but not so much in servers IMHO.

Indeed! Ubuntu serverguide is switching to LTS only releases.
Since we are in transition, the 13.10 serverguide will be posted,
but only unofficially. 14.04 will have several update releases.

... Doug

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