
Little Girl littlergirl at
Mon Sep 16 22:02:28 UTC 2013

Hey there,

Martin Dixon wrote:

> Hi:)
> If it helps answering some of my last post I have now found the
> BugsPlaybook .
> (link in  -
> )
> As the link-from page was dated (2009-06-25) is Playbook safe to
> use as is? No disrespect as it looks very easy to follow.

It's a bit outdated:


In the Get it... section, the folder structure is incorrect and has
changed. See this page to look at the current folder structure:

There is no mention of configuring Bazaar. To set up Bazaar, tell
Bazaar who you are (you only need to do it once, and it will remember
it from then on) by typing bzr whoami USERNAME <USERNAME at ADDRESS.COM>
in a terminal window, replacing USERNAME with your Launchpad username
and USERNAME at ADDRESS.COM with the email address you use for Launchpad.

There is no mention of GPG. I had to install and configure Kgpg when
I first started contributing. I have no idea whether you need it, or
what you would need to install if you use Ubuntu, but you may find
that you need it.

There are no instructions for setting up SSH. When I did this, I
installed openssh-client instead ssh. I'm not sure if that's
important or not. I have instructions for configuring OpenSSH if you
would like them, but I have no idea whether they would work for ssh.

There is no mention of configuring your Launchpad account, part of
which is signing the Ubuntu Code of Conduct. Also, if you install SSH
and/or GPG, you'll want to let Launchpad know about it.


In the Find it and change it... section it says we use DocBook when
all the documents I've seen so far in Ubuntu use Mallard, so all
those lovely examples in the .pdf file will probably be useless.


In the Check it... section the command for validating a file has
changed. The script is in the /ubuntu-docs/ubuntu-help/C/ directory
and if you are in that directory you would type
FILENAME and replace FILENAME with the name of the file you just
worked on.


In the Post it... section, the bzr diff command should be in the Find
it and change it... section.

Also, you can just do bzr diff if you want to examine the changes in
the terminal instead of saving them to a text file.

And last, but not least, the only mention of pushing the changes back
to the Launchpad server tell you to "post your patch" without telling
you how. I assume this is to get people to find a Documentation Team
member to lead them through the process after deciding where and how
the patches should be posted.


That aside, it's a good general guideline to what you can expect when
working with a Launchpad repository. (:

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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