Regarding documentation fixes

Little Girl littlergirl at
Mon Sep 16 19:22:02 UTC 2013

Hey there,

John Kim wrote:

> I've been doing lots of bug reporting, and I don't think I'll see
> the end of it for this cycle. On that note, however, I see two
> possible of pushing changes. 
> (1) one fix per revision.
> (2) multiple fixes per revision. 
> I highly suggest the second option. Pushing after fixing a batch of
> bugs is less labor and more efficiency than one at a time. Well, is
> the second option possible, if we're talking about multiple
> launchpad bugs, not simply multiple lp bugs in a single report? 

If this is about revision 260 and 261 in this bug report:

Then my apologies. I was tired and clicked Fix committed and realized
after doing so that I had only fixed half of it, so I hurried up and
did the other one. Hopefully it won't happen again!

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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